Oficial casatoriti… Yes… We did it!!!

[RO] De simbata nu mai am iubit…si asta pentru ca acum am sot deja! Desi initial hotarisem ca o sa facem si cununia religioasa, si cununia civila in aceeasi zi…in ziua de 12 august, mai tirziu ne-am schimbat parerea. Am depus cererea si in 14 zile urma sa ne oficializam relatia. Au trecut zilele repejor si iata ca ziua de 21 iunie a sosit… Ne-am trezit dis-de-dimineata, am imbracat straiele de sarbatoare, ne-am facut frumusei si fuga la primarie…la ora 12.00 eram deja sot si sotie…

Va mai amintiti de livada frumoasa de visine in care am facut poze primavara? Acum e plina de visine super gustoase… Am mers acolo din nou pentru a face poze, acum cu o ocazie speciala…

Iar aici noi in rol de mire si mireasa… Partea 1!!!

[EN] Since Saturday I don’t have a boyfriend anymore…and that’s because now I have a husband! Even if initially we wanted to do the religious marriage and the civil marriage in the same day…on

August 12th, later we decided to change it. We submitted the request and in 14 days we should get

married. The days passed quickly and the great day arrived… We woke up early in the morning, dressed up the festive clothes and went to the city hall…at 12.00 we were already husband and wife…

Do you remember the awesome cherry orchard where we took picture spring? Now it is full of super tasty cherries… We went there to take pictures again, now with a special occasion…

Here we are husband and wife… Part 1!!!

Wedding Day!!!


To be continued…

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