Mini vacanta in inima Europei… A short trip in the heart of Europe…

[RO] Praga… numita si inima europei… am vizitat-o toamna, cind afara era deja frig, ziua mai scurta, iar miinile iti inghetau daca nu le ascundeai in buzunare…

Praga mai e numita Roma de nord… Similar Romei,  Praga este construita pe noua dealuri de-a lungul riului Vtava, cel mai inalt fiind dealul Petrin… un caracter unic al orasului oferit de natura… Caracteristicile dominante ale arhitecturii orasului: turnuri, cupole bisericesti, palate si case reflectate in riu, impreuna cu verdeata din gradini, parcuri si insule, creaza o priveliste deosebita…

Am petrecut in Praga 3 zile, in prima zi am vizitat o parte a orasului vechi, printre care ‘’Dancing House’’, cea mai importanta constructie moderna din Praga, “Wenceslas Square’’, inima comerciala a orasului, un loc popular pentru intilniri, cu o multime de hoteluri, magazine si restaurante ce atrag turistii aici… Am reusit sa vedem acest loc minunat noaptea, e incredibil de frumos, foarte luminat cu o multime de oameni plimbindu-se de-a lungul bulevardului. Alte atractii pe care am reusit sa le vedem in prima zi au fost: ‘’Municipal House’’, “Powder Tower’’, ‘’Mozart’s House’’, ‘’Vysegrad’’…

A doua zi am vizitat ‘’Lesser Town’’, cu principala atractie ‘’Prague Castle’’… Dar am inceput excursia noastra cu ‘’Charles Bridge’’, un pod renumit pentru multimea de statui ale sfintilor care infumuseteaza podul pe toata lungimea sa. Timp de citeva secole acest pod era unica legatura dintre ‘’Lesser Town’’ si ‘’Old Town’’. De pe pod poti admira peisaje uimitoare ale orasului, iar privelistea spre “Lesser Town’’ e deosebit de frumoasa. De aici ne-am indreptat spre dealul Petrin, cred ca am mers aproximativ 3 km ca sa ajungem in virful dealului unde se afla ‘’Petrin Tower’’, a fost poate un pic obositor, dar la moment nu am simtit oboseala pentru ca eram fermecate de copacii multicolori, care deja aruncau si pe jos frunze formind un covor deosebit, iar daca ne intorceam privirea inapoi aveam in fata noastra 180 grade o priveliste asupra orasului, iar cu cit ne urcam mai sus cu atit mai mult eram placut surprinse.

Ajunse in “Castle Square” nu am incetat sa ne uimim de frumusetea acestui oras… Strazile, castelele, catedralele din aceasta regiune sunt atit de diferite, frumoase si unic in felul lor… Cel mai mult m-a impresionat ‘’ Schwarzenberg Palace’’, unul din primele castele care au fost construite aici, care este si cel mai mare, a fost construit in stil renascentist dupa un proiect al arhitectului italian Agostino. Aici aveam Praga vazuta de sus, cu toate turnurile, cupolele si acoperisurile rosii ale caselor mai aproape. Nu am ezitat sa facem o multime de poze aici, pentru ca era pur si simplu extraordinar. Alte locuri pe care le-am vizitat in cea de-a doua zi au fost: ‘’Vrtba Garden’’, “St. Vitus Cathedral”, ‘’Prague Castle’’, Wallenstein Palace’’, ‘’Royal Garden’’, ‘’Old Town Bridge Tower’’…

In a treia zi am vizitat orasul vechi cu ‘’Old Town Square’’, unde se afla ‘’Tyn Cathedral’’, ‘’Old Town Hall’’, ‘’St. Nicholas Church’’… Old Town Square impreuna cu cartierul din imprejurime formeaza inima orasului Praga, cu cladiri magnifice construite in diferite stiluri arhitecturale, de la gotic la baroc. ‘’Old Town Hall’’ este renumit pentru ceasul care este pe una din fatade, si dateaza de la inceputul secolului 15. O legenda spune ca Hanus, cel care a facut acest ceas, a fost dupa asta orbit pentru a nu mai putea face un alt ceas la fel de frumos ca acesta.

Am uitat sa remarc vitrinele pline cu articole din cristal si jucarii traditionale cehe, nu poti sa treci pe alaturi si sa nu intri macar sa le admiri putin…

In concluzie as putea spune ca Praga e un oras foarte frumos, care m-a facut sa spun ‘’wow’’ de foarte multe ori, m-as intoarce aici ori de cite ori as avea ocazia… Imi parea rau sa plec, dar a trebuit pentru ca aveam la ora 17.00 autobus spre Olanda…)))

Colecția mea de poze din Praga poate fi văzută aici.

[EN] Prague… called also the heart of Europe… I visited it in the autumn, the season when it is cold outside and the days are shorter…

Prague is also called North Rome… Similar to Rome, Prague is placed on nine hills along the river Vtava, the highest hill being Petrin Hill… an unique landscape… The architectural characteristics of the city: towers, palaces and houses reflected in the river’s water, together with the green gardens, parks and small islands, create a wonderful view over the city…

I’ve spent three days in Prague, in the first day me and my friend visited the Old Town, where we’ve admired Dancing House, which is the most important modern building in Prague, Wenceslas Square, the commercial part of the city, also an important place for meetings, with many hotels, shops and restaurants which attracts the tourists there… You should go there at night, it is simply amazing… Another attractions we’ve seen in the first day included Municipal House, Powder Tower, Mozart’s House, and Vysegrad…

In the second day we’ve visited Lesser Town with its main attraction, Prague Castle… But our excursion started with a walk along the Charles Bridge, a bridge that is famous for the many saints’ statues placed there which make the bridge special. For many centuries this bridge represented the only connection between Lesser Town and Old Town. From the bridge you can admire the wonderful ladscapes of the city, especially the view on the Lesser Town, which is awesome. From the bridge we continued our trip to Petrin Hill, I think we’ve walked for approximately 3 km until we’ve reached the highest point of the hill, where Petrin Tower can be found… It was a little bit hard to climb the hill, but at that moment we didn’t feel anything because we were fascinated by the multicolored trees and by the view on the city, which is amazing from this hill…

Once you are on the Castle Square you won’t stop to wonder how beautiful is this city… The streets, castles and cathedrals are amazing, all are different and unique… The castle which impressed me the most was the Schwarzenberg Palace, one of the first castles built there, also the biggest, was built in renaissance style, based on a project of the Italian architect Agostino. From this site you can see Prague at your feet, with all its towers, cupolas and red roofs. We didn’t hesitate to take a lot of pictures with Prague city as background… Other attractions visited in the second day of our mini-trip included Vrtba Garden, St. Vitus Cathedral, Prague Castle, Wallenstein Palace, Royal Garden, Old Town Bridge Tower…

In the third day we’ve visited the old town with its square, on which Tyn Cathedral, Old Town Hall, and St. Nicholas Church are situated… Old Town Square together with surrounding neighborhood are considered the heart of the city, with magnificent edifices build in different architectural styles, from Gothic to Baroque. Old Town Hall is famous for the clock on the one of its facade dating from 15th century. One legend states that Hanus, who made this clock, was blinded afterwards, to be unable to make another amazing clock such as this one.

I forget to mention the show-windows full with crystal items and traditional Czech toys, if you’ll see them, you’ll want to admire for a while…

In conclusion I can say that Prague is a city that everybody must visit, it is a city which made me say “wow” for hundreds times, I wish to return there once again…

My photo collection from Prague can be seen here.


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